Our Board of Directors

THE Surrey Christmas Bureau is dedicated to bringing joy and support to low-income families during the holidays BY PROVIDING NEW toys, BOOKS, WARM winter clothing, and grocery cards FOR THOSE SPECIAL HOLIDAY MEALS WHERE MEMORIES ARE MADE.

Our Board Of Directors

Our Board of Directors is comprised of a diverse and dedicated group of individuals who volunteer their time and expertise to oversee and guide the operations of our organization year-round. They bring a wealth of experience and passion to their roles, ensuring that we effectively serve the needs of low-income families in our community.

Throughout the year, Our Board Members work tirelessly behind the scenes, providing strategic direction, governance, and oversight to our programs and initiatives. They play a crucial role in setting organizational goals, establishing policies, and monitoring our progress towards achieving our mission.

Each member of Our Board brings a unique perspective and skill set to the table, contributing to the overall success and sustainability of our organization. Their commitment to our cause is unwavering, and their leadership is instrumental in driving positive change in our community.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to connect with a member of Our Board, please don’t hesitate to reach out by calling us at 604-581-9623. Your input and support are invaluable to us as we work together to make a difference in the lives of those we serve.


Bonnie Burnside

Co – Chair

Penny Priddy

Co – Chair

Tony Miles


Alex Bacot


Suzanne Barton


Sharon Goldberg


General Membership

The Surrey Christmas Bureau is always seeking new members to broaden our reach into the community. As an active member you have the right to attend all Annual General Meetings and the right to vote.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Surrey Christmas Bureau, fill out this form and mail your membership fee to Surrey Christmas Bureau, PO Box 547, 10688 King George Blvd. Surrey, BC V3T 5W7. Memberships must be renewed annually. Thanks for your support!

Membership Application

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

PO Box 547, 10688 King George Blvd., Surrey, BC V3T 5W7